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MUSK, ethical and committed brand

Fashion is one of the most polluting industries in the world (sixth to be more precise). So, we wanted to change the system from the inside and not make a brand like the others. MUSK's mission is therefore to do things well.



So how to get there?

1 - Reasoned production

The main problem here is overproduction. So we thought of a way to produce only what you need and not have a large stock. To do this, we are pre-ordering for the launch of our capsules and our new products.
The iconic pieces can then be produced in stock and directly available to you.

2 - Better sourcing of materials

For our collections, we mainly use dormant stocks from fashion houses . We then give a second life to high quality fabrics. We obtain our supplies, among others, from Nona Source, whose aim is to revalorize these stocks.
For certain pieces, we cannot find what we are looking for from these upcycled fabric suppliers. We then obtain our supplies from traditional retailers, but only in natural and not synthetic fabrics .

3 - Local and French production

We produce our pieces in a Parisian workshop for French and local production. Why choose a Parisian production? Because our headquarters is in Paris, our fabric suppliers are in Paris and our logistics center is in Paris. This allows us to have a very reduced carbon footprint .
This also allows better monitoring of our production and also gives us a closer relationship with our partners .